As you can tell - the button says "Tuesday" but these posts happen any day
but Tuesday for some reason. Yesterday, it was because I had a long jury duty from 9-2 and then had to come home and get ready for an awesome Thirty-One party at the Bellevue Beadery! Here are some photos from the past week that will be going in my 365 project (I'm proud of myself for getting a 30 prints for $3 from Walgreens the other day and getting all the way through Jan 30th printed already!)
Tuesday, January 25th - Sally had her yearly vet appointment - she doesn't even seem to notice the cat giving her the evil eye - she just wants to see what's going on behind the counter! The vet said she should lose ~5lbs since she's gained that over the course of the year...guess the mile walk every day isn't enough! We're cutting back her food a bit to try and help - but we know she'll lose it again when the weather gets better and she actually
wants to go outside!
Wednesday, January 26th - FRIENDS on the new TV plus the new stand from IKEA that it sits on - we are spending a ton more time in the basement now (since that's where the cable box - DVR is) - it's nice, because it's starting to feel more home-like down there! :) I love when Richard doesn't mind that I watch FRIENDS - I know it's not his favorite show but it makes me feel so much better after watching it so he tolerates it sometimes and I just love days like this when we just sit and watch FRIENDS (and this night we actually went to Outback/furniture shopping) for a new ottoman/coffee table for in front of the couch.
Thursday, January 27th - Ryann sent me such a sweet card in the mail so I decided that this needed to be the picture of the day. Random notes in the mail are the best - so much better than bills!! I have such wonderful friends - they keep me going on the not so good days!
Friday, January 28th - We met the Boyle's up at BD's Mongolian Grille and had a ball! Rob & Richard went to Target World for a bit and Melanie and I got to sit and catch up for a little bit...we enjoy their company and look forward to the coming trips in 2011 we are planning~!!
Saturday, January 29th - Erin brought Charlie over to play with Sally - they seemed to wear each other out! It was such a nice day (as you can see Richard has on sandles/shot sleeved shirt!) so the dogs had a ball!
Sunday, January 30th - Friend catch-up day - we haven't taken a sweet tea picture in a long time so this is sitting in the KMart parking lot after finding Caleb this cute bib thing for his birthday party. We had a good time catching up and just spending some one on one time together! Love this girl!
Monday, January 31st - So Richard tells me that morning (through text) that he can't wait to show me what he's bought - that it's so cool. I met him at Frisch's for lunch (since he had class all day) and he shows me that it's a white castle candle (he said they money goes to charity) and it smells like white castle when you burn it. My husband decides to sit it on the kitchen counter the other day so when I came in it smelled like nastiness...this candle immediately went into the garage where I hope it one time finds it's way into the trash can!! Oh Richard...

Tuesday - February 1st - My first "official" party of 2011 at the Bellevue Beadery - what a great time with the girl's and Jen & Michelle did a wonderful job with the food / treat table - Michelle even gave me a gift for doing a party with her (she's too nice to me!) - and they used thermal totes to show all the different stuff - it was really cute! I also wanted to show a picture of the table all set-up...I have accumulated so much stuff it's unreal! I even sold some of the stuff that had retired to someone there at the party - it was good to get rid of it!
All in all, great week - still trying to relax and take it easy (easier said than done)!