Michelle & I had lunch at Pomodori's - love catching up with her and asking her all sorts of mom-to-be questions! |
Traffic was crazy on Friday because some person ran into the wall coming onto the bridge, so I stopped to see Richard and his crew while they were working on the truck / water...so fun to see Richard in action! |
Michelle gave me these really cute trucks for the baby - one firetruck & one mail truck (her husband is a mailman and the baby already has a mail ducky to play with too!) - she also gave us her boy's favorite book - which was so thoughtful! |
"Happy St. Patrick's Day from the McFarland's" is what I sent to Corey & Crystal & Marthe to be silly - we actually both had on green for lunch - woo hoo! I love weekend days when we get to be home together - Richard has breakfast club that morning (so I walked with Sally and then Amy) but once he got home, we have a ball together! |
Skyline has green spaghetti on St. Patrick's Day - how fun! |
I made it to 6 months / 24 weeks...WOO HOO! :) Technically the date is Monday but I knew Richard wouldn't be home, so I had him take a picture to show my new shorts from Gap outlet, my pride in being Irish and just how nice of a day it was! |
We celebrated Amy & Caroline's birthday at 3 on Saturday - Tommy made Amy a slideshow of her life and Caroline kept saying "That's me" :) Really cute! |
Family dinner to celebrate dad's birthday at Flemming's in Dayton - we stopped to see Nancy, Junior, Amanda, Chris, Kalysta & Ethan on the way home which was fun...we popped in for about an hour to visit and then headed home. All in all, great weekend! |
This week has Richard working a lot (24 hours Monday, 24 hour coverage for a friend on Tuesday, off Wednesday, 24 hours at Covington on Thursday and 10-6 at Edgewood on Friday) - needless to say, I enjoyed this weekend with him knowing how much he'll be working this week.
This Wednesday we're getting a few quotes on having the ceilings of the upstairs painted...hopefully we can get that taken care of soon! I'm looking forward to dinner with Amy tomorrow night - we don't get a lot of time just the two of us to catch up, so that should be wonderful!
We also started to clean the garage out today and getting things organized so we can move the stuff for sale on Craig's list (
http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/fuo/2909423266.html) into the garage and then out of our house and make more room for all the baby's stuff that I'm sure will be coming (if the pile in the basement is any indication - we're going to be packed full of baby stuff!) :)
I'm feeling pretty good at 24 weeks - much more like myself and I feel the baby a lot! I'll answer those same questions every month so we can see if any of them change:
How far along? 24 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yep - all the time with pants but with shirts, I can still wear normal ones every now and then but I don't love that...I have been wearing my tank tops but I know I'll have to be in maternity ones before long because they need to be longer! :) I think it's going to be a hot summer!
Movement: Oh yes! I feel flutters pretty regularly and pains from everything changing inside...I can tell if I do too much, my stomach starts to feel weird. Coolest moment the other day was I was at the chiro and sat on the massage chair - when I got up it's like I could feel him flip flopping around in there or something...I could definitely tell it was him moving and doing something inside me - very cool!
Food cravings: Cereal is still a staple - and I like Skyline a lot lately - still not terribly hungry but eating more and more and gaining a bit of weight now!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Mexican still but I did eat Chipotle the other day but it certainly wasn't my favorite!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, the woman at the bank a couple of weeks ago was the first complete stranger that didn't know me to ask "When are you due?" and I was shocked because I had my fleece on so I wasn't sure it was THAT obvious but apparently it was! That was a fun moment though!
Gender: BOY!!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: SAME - Somewhere in between - I'm truly excited that I'm getting to experience all of this but I'm not as crazy excited as I thought I'd be...as I told Marthe the other day, I do see this as a means to the end...I want to meet my sweet baby boy and kiss him and hold him and just get to see him grown up...feeling kind of blah and stuff is for the birds :) but it has all been worth it and I'm glad I'm able to go through it - I am forever thankful for that.
Most scared about: Still how this little guy is going to come out and breast feeding probably
Any other news on the pregnancy front? Not really - just enjoying as much as possible since I'm feeling so much better - love this phase of the process!
What's Richard been up to? Richard painted the closet doors today for the baby's room and he's been cleaning up the garage/getting things organized and we got everything up on Craig's list for now...just getting painters to come give estimates, we got our taxes done last week - so following up with quotes on the bathroom, scheduling the carpet guys to come...all the fun stuff. He's also in charge of finding and contacting pediatricians...I don't want to do it, so I'm going to let him work on that!