Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Blake Photos

I created an album to show some of Blake's best photos from his first few months:


I realized I hadn't updated the blog - well, life has been a bit crazy - lots of people wanting to meet Blake, trying to get appointments in before I go back to work and just enjoying our time with the little guy!

I go back to work on the 26th of September so hopefully that goes well - I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine that involves more than a feeding schedule - ha!

If anyone wonders - Blake is sleeping longer than normal today, so I get some time to catch up on emails, 31, pictures, Shutterfly albums and saying hello on the blog!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

{Blake's First Week}

The first week of Blake in our lives was amazing - we didn't get much sleep, mom came and stayed the night on July 8th so we could get more sleep and look decent for our photo shoot (thank you for not only helping but also giving us some tips and taking pictures of the first bath with Blake!) and we had a home nurse come check Blake's jaundice levels and take my staples out of my c-section scar...and we had pictures taken by Leah Robbins on July 9 (Richard's 30th birthday - Happy Birthday Richard!) - seen here:

It was a great first week & we enjoyed every minute of it...even though we were quite sleep deprived and take naps all the time. I'll be off for ~12 weeks and Richard is off for ~4...Richard will go back to work at the beginning of August and I'll be back to work by the first week of October. I can't believe how fast time goes by with a child...it seems like every day he is doing something new, making a new face or just bringing more smiles to our face!

A few of my favorite hospital pictures...they took a picture of just Richard the first time he held Blake, then we did a family photo while I was still being operated on (yikes!) - and once we finally got settled into our room...our first full day in the hospital he was enjoying his bassinet! 

 The first picture I took of the two of them! :) It was the first day we were home, and I got Sally to sit right next to Blake in his swing. Blake LOVES his swing (thanks Denise & Lindsay & family for that!) - he even sleeps in it at night for now!

Blake's first week home...I love all of his expressions & I could look at him & take pictures of him all day!

July 12, 2102 - on his one week birthday, we took him to the doctor for his first outing (and stopped by CVS on the way home) - he did really well at the doctor's and was beyond his birth weight so they told me I don't have to wake him at night anymore (yay!) He was up to 9 lbs, 3 oz (78%) and was 21 3/4 inches long (91%) and his head was average :) All great news!

{introducing: Blake Thomas}

Blake Thomas McFarland
July 5, 2012
7:03 pm via c-section
9 lbs / 21 inches

He is absolutely everything we dreamed of & wished for and it makes everything we've been through 100% worth it. More details to come - just wanted to introduce him! I took this picture on our first morning together in the hospital - July 6, 2012. We love him so much already!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

{39 week appointment}

"Now officially full term" was the start of the baby emails I got this week...telling me what the average baby weighs/how long they are...and letting me know that over half of first time mom's go past their due date - so don't get too excited! Be on the lookout for signs of labor (which include a lot of things I'd rather not even address in this blog post!) - I'll be sure to be on the lookout!

Our 39 week appointment was today (Tuesday, July 3rd at 11:50) with Dr. Horn. Not much has changed, and they'll see me again on Monday (July 9th) - the baby's due date. I'm exhausted today so I'm looking forward to taking a nap when I get home.

Friday, June 29, 2012

{37 & 38 week appointments}

Update - I haven't been taking as many pictures lately - as the past 2 weeks have not been my favorite & I haven't been feeling too well. As I write this, it's June 29, 2012 and I remember when I worked for Nielsen this would've been our end of fiscal day - wrapping everything up for the year...but today, it's just another Friday at UC where most people are not on campus and it's very quiet around here...I like the contrast from last year to this year. I feel pretty good today - didn't sleep very well and woke up at 3 with a leg cramp that caused me to yell out and wake Richard up (sorry!) - it just hurts so bad!! I'll re-cap the 37 & 38 week appointments (basically just copy/pasting my emails to the family) - so I can look back and remember what we were going through in June of 2012. 

Last night as we were going to bed, baby Blake starts kicking and I told Richard if he kept it up I was going to go rock in the lazyboy in the nursery and get him to go to sleep - but I pushed on him so he pushed back...I did it a few times before asking for Richard's hand to let him feel his silliness...Richard goes "You just told me you wanted him to go to sleep" and I said "I know, but this is just too cute that he does this...it won't hurt anything!" :)  He's already got me wrapped around his finger! 

We're getting excited to meet the little guy...can't wait to see what he looks like, what his personality will be - and share him with the world! He's been fun to carry around for 9 months but it's time for everyone else to get to hold him too - ha!

Oh - I did celebrate my 29th birthday this past weekend and we celebrated Richard's a bit early ...here are the pictures I took and posted to Facebook:

{37 week appointment} - June 22, 2012 (Evendale Location - first time) - Dr. LeMasters

Went to the doctor yesterday and they did an ultrasound to check out baby McFarland's weight - turns out he's quite big...measuring right now approximately 8 lbs 10 oz...they don't induce first time mom's before 39 weeks...and they probably won't induce me until after my due date if they induce at all - they hope my body just does it on it's own.They are concerned with if he'll fit out (yikes!)

He looks really healthy - on the ultrasound he looks fully cooked to me - he was yawning, sticking his tongue out and practicing breathing with his lungs - you could see him doing that which was neat. They said everything looks healthy though - my fluid around him looks great, placenta looks great so all good marks - they just kept saying "He's going to be big."

{38 week appointment} - June 28th, 2012 - Clifton Location - Dr. Clark

Dr. Clark - "So have they talked to you about what we do if we get to your due date and we still think the baby's big? What did Dr. LeMaster say last time?" 

We're just going to wait to see if he will come on his own through natural labor (we hope so) - because he will either fit or not fit - time will tell. If we get closer to my due date, and we want to do another ultrasound and he's possibly 10lbs or higher, they might do a primary C-section and schedule me to come in and get him out...that would not be our top choice and would not be the doctor's top choice either (seeing as though the ultrasound could be up to 1 lb off either way) - she Dr. Clark says "When they said last time he could be in the 8 1/2 pound range - it could be 7 1/2 or it could be 9 1/2). Either way, I don't think you're carrying around a peanut in there." Thanks doc!

She said I'm more likely than most to deliver on my due date because of IVF - she goes "We know exactly how old he is - we know exactly when he was put in - so it's not like we could be a week or so off. We know when your due date is." So it doesn't sound like they'll let me go much past my due date. She said she won't want to induce me because as soon as they induce me, my likelihood of c-section goes up which isn't ideal.

Her recommendations would be to drink as much water as I can because the heat can bring on labor...stay cool as much as possible...swim in a pool if I want - blood pressure was a bit high (130/93) but not too bad - swelling is out of control today - Dr. Clark did comment on that. 

It just sounds like they really don't know what will happen - it's up for this baby & my body to decide when's a good time to get this all going...I really hope it's within the next week on it's own...naturally...and that he fits...it's the little things in life, huh? Or I guess the BIG things...ha! His head is up high, and I'm only dilated 2 now...so not much progress.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

{35+36 weeks & 2 showers}

To be honest, I'm at a point where I don't have much energy so I'm just putting out a bunch of pictures to remember the 35/36 weeks...

At my 26 week check-up I sent this to my close family/friends:

Doctors appointment went well today-I'm measuring the same as last time (a half centimeter smaller this time actually) and I lost 3 pounds :)

Doctor said I'm dialated 1-2 centimeters and baby's head isn't locked in place...cervix looks better than average (you can't hear that enough, right? Ha!)
We have an appt next Friday to get an ultrasound and checked again-they didn't schedule an ultrasound today unfortunately) and she guesses he will be in the low 8 pound range if she had to guess :)

Some of the highlights:
Crystal, Caleb & I went to Columbus to visit Corey & Jimmie
Lots more belly shots since it's so big now! I also did a few collages of 6/7/8/8 months!
LaRosas to meet grandma & grandpa for lunch on one of my days off - Richard/I went belly to belly which just makes me laugh
We also did a belly cast of me which was just a hoot!
Corey & Jimmie & I went after dinner one night to visit Sno Castle in Latonia while Richard was working
My good friend Lynn adopted a baby and we could not be more thrilled for them!
Aunt Debbie was in town to support Marthe so we had dinner at the Olive Garden with Brian, Suzie, Nathan & Marthe
My family had a shower for me & the baby which was so much fun!
Richard's family did a shower for us and it was so much fun too!
The Boyle's came down for dinner at Red Robin and dessert at Orange Leaf - always great to spend time with those 3!
These aren't necessarily in chronological order, but that's ok - you get the idea!

As you can see, I'm getting quite a bit bigger and quite a bit more uncomfortable. I'm swelling quite a bit these days and I'm ready to meet our little boy. I can't believe it's been over 9 months that we've had this baby in my belly and I truly feel blessed to have been able to carry my own child and see what a baby that is me & Richard look like...it's what I've always dreamed of and I can't wait to see what this little guy does to our lives and be parents together. We are in such a great place in our lives & I just can't wait to share the rest of my life with him too! 

Tonight (6/20) as I type this...is the first time I think I've felt true contractions - it's like nothing I've ever felt before - they were about 10 minutes apart for about 40 minutes or so...then decreased and now I don't feel anything...I've been contracting since May...but only just now started feeling them. I know it's getting to be time...my little ticker only says 2 weeks and 5 days left...looking forward to our ultrasound appointment on Friday to see how he's doing and see how I'm doing. Little nervous how everything is going to happen but I know it will all be worth it in the end - positive thinking & eye on the prize! 

He was so serious - he didn't want to mess it up! :) 

6 / 7 / 8 / 9 months - getting bigger all the time!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

{34 weeks}

Well, yesterday I went to my 34 week OBGYN appointment - this was the first appointment that I went to by myself because I told Richard to just relax for the day because the appointments are SO short. This appointment was no exception - Dr. Horn was in the room no more than a few minutes to give me the lowdown:

No extra activities except for work
Feet up at home out of heat when not working
2 weeks is fine to go for another appointment so June 13th we will go back
9 lbs weight gain since last appt 2 weeks ago-all water pretty much
Belly Measuring 38 centimeters instead of 34 where I should be
112/80 blood pressure which is great-as long as blood pressure stays normal they aren't worried
Looks like it will be a big baby if they run in the family-she said Richard might win this since he was 8 lbs 12 oz

In 2 weeks it will be an internal exam and possible ultrasound to measure baby & see how he's doing. 

Needless to say - I've had more fun appointments but we're moving right along & I can't wait to meet the baby - that will be the best day!

Friday, May 25, 2012

{33 weeks pregnant}

Happy 6 year anniversary!!
The saying goes that time flies when you're having fun...I guess we've been having a whole lot of fun because I can't believe I only have ~6 weeks left until we get to meet our baby boy!!! In early May, we took an anniversary trip to Indianapolis and went to the zoo - this is our one good picture of the two of us at the elephants...it was a bit warm & I'm starting to swell - so I did as much as I could and enjoyed just being with Richard. He makes me laugh so much and just tickles me - he's truly so much fun to hang out with and we had a great trip just exploring the city & eating good meals!
Love Grandma Moore & how cute she was when she gave us the travel system!

The nursery is coming along - everything is organized that we have so far and downstairs we have clothes/toys that are too big or he's not old enough for yet and the girl's clothes bin (from mom/Amanda) that we'll need to store since we won't need them. Other fun things we've been doing - getting the carseat installed at the Sharonville fire house last weekend, Richard put the swing together, he also put the crib together and put the dresser in the nursery. Grandma Moore got us our travel system which we love and she was excited to watch Richard put that together at her place.
Love our bedding/crib...it really feels real now that soon he's going to be home with us!

Swing is together & everyone on Facebook seemed to say it's a great swing so that's good!
As far as home improvement projects go, everything is pretty much complete: master bath has been re-done, new carpet is installed in the entire upstairs, outside painting is done and the inside ceiling paint is done as well - Certa Pro has to come fix one spot in the kitchen and we'll be set! It's so nice to have everything coming together! Sally's only thrown up twice on the carpet since it's been installed (I'm pretty sure she's preparing me for a kid!)

Final design of the bathroom - we simply love it - it's like being  in a spa so I don't want my showers to end!
All the trim was painted and we changed the colors of the shutters & door!
The baby is doing well - moving some days like a crazy man and other days I'm pretty sure he sleeps most of the day. On Friday (5/11), I had high blood pressure that I took at Kroger so I called the doctor because it was 142/something and they said it needed to be under 140...the next day, I couldn't get him to move, so I drank a Coke, sat on the couch and waited...I was supposed to feel at least 4 movements in the hour...I maybe felt 2...so I called and they wanted me to come to the hospital to get checked. Mom & dad took me to the hospital and Richard met me there because he was working. His heartbeat looked great, and they said he was moving - they could tell because his heart rate increased/decreased just like it should if he's moving. With my anterior placenta, sometimes I feel him move and sometimes I don't. They also said I was having very minor contractions but I don't feel those either. They said as long as I don't feel them, I'm in good shape - but let them know if anything changes. They checked my cervix and sent me on my way. It was a relief to get everything checked out and know everything was ok. We stopped at Frish's on the way home (about 9pm) and I was hungry...it was like old times, eating at the Frish's in Clifton! Blood pressure is doing well now, and it hasn't been elevated again...Richard checks it every now and then just to make sure. At my 30 week appointment I was measuring 32 centimeters (which is about 2 weeks ahead), but when I went back for my 32 week appointment I was only measuring 33 centimeters (and had gained a pound) so Dr. Rinala was happy with that. I was glad to not be too far ahead with everything.

32 weeks, 6 days (almost 33 weeks) - he's not getting any smaller! :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

{First baby shower was a success!}

On Sunday (April 29th, 2012) Crystal & Ryann had my "friend shower" for us in Sharonville - everything was jungle themed (like our bedding) and it was so much fun! Jen brought the cutest little games for people to play and cards for people to fill out about "Dear Baby..." or "Words of Wisdom" for me - Kalysta's melted my heart and she was the first one done. We did bingo while I opened gifts and all enjoyed BBQ / fruit / cheese ball / cake etc. - everything was great!

I am very lucky to have so many friends to go through life with - I've met a lot of them through working at Nielsen/BASES and continued those friendships even after they or I have moved on to another company/job. My backyard & front yard neighbors were able to come which was really fun and my oldest friend in the world - Lindsay and her mom were able to come which was wonderful to see them. Some of my friends are from high school and it's always great to see those that you once were in band/played tennis etc. with and now all of us seem to be pregnant at the same time! :) Some friends I've met through 31, or Richard, or through Lindner Honors-PLUS at UC (that I now work for!) - no matter where we've met, we've tried really hard to stay in contact and keep our relationships strong. I know it's hard because a lot of my friends moved away, have multiple kids, travel for work etc. but coming together like this is always so much fun!

It's just a really fun time and we can't wait to introduce baby McFarland to everyone! I was almost 30 weeks at the shower - and was feeling pretty good - not terribly hungry and had to keep drinking LOTS of water...but overall, I am feeling ok.

Ryann (and Kristen) made the cake for the shower & everyone loved it - so fitting for us!

So many cute decorations (thanks Crystal & Jen!) as well as lots of pictures taken with everyone!

This is Kalysta's note to the baby...she's only 12, and I think could teach a lot of people a thing or two! 
Thanks again to everyone for making my first baby shower so special - it still seemed very surreal to be getting dressed for my baby shower that morning...it's certainly becoming more real as he kicks me, my belly gets bigger and more people ask me questions and now we have stuff for him - but it's still a weird sensation that all of our dreams are coming true. We are very happy and humbled.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

{29 weeks...and growing!}

I am now 29 weeks, 2 days...less than 11 weeks to go and I've got to say - I'm a bit freaked out about what's ahead! I'm very excited to meet our little guy but I'm also a bit nervous about how it's all going to happen! We have our childbirth all-day class on Saturday and our first shower on Sunday with my friends - I am very excited about the shower.
7 months - we made it! We also got a free bottle in the mail!

Met my friend for dinner and we had fun with the iPhone!

Met Kelli and Maya for lunch at Skyline in Clifton - she is SO cute!

Fun trip with the Boyle's to Corbin, KY!

Cumberland Falls!

Mani/Pedi with mom

Yep, 29 weeks and counting...

How far along?  29 + weeks
Maternity clothes? Yep - just went today for the first time to Blue Cocoon on Montgomery - got a dress and my first nursing bra. I also got some clothes at JCPenney last week that I really like & am looking forward to wearing. I'm still wearing a lot of Michelle's clothes that she let me borrow which is awesome but it's also fun shopping for new clothes to wear now & after the baby's here (but hopefully I'll be smaller than when I started so I can get smaller clothes in the future!) :)  
Movement: Oh yes! He kicks some days A LOT - especially if I put my feet up in the laz-y-boy or go to sleep at night. Some days he's much more quiet and doesn't kick as much but he still likes to be active!
Food cravings: None again - I am really not very hungry...though the cookies-n-cream ice cream in the fridge always sounds good!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Mexican still and steak kind of...heavy foods don't sound very good right now.
Have you started to show yet: Yes, everyone now asks the standard questions - "Oh, when are you due? Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?"
Gender: BOY!!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Off (had them on probably 1 in the past couple of weeks - I just get hot/swell and take them off so I've pretty much stopped wearing them. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy most of the time - but night time seems to be the worst - I just don't feel my best at night after a long day & I get kind of upset to my stomach...but overall, feeling great!
Most scared about: Still how this little guy is going to come out and breast feeding probably
Any other news on the pregnancy front? Not really - just looking forward to my showers starting and seeing what everyone picks out for our little guy!
What's Richard been up to? Richard put all new trim on the front of the house today & has been overseeing the master bath gut by Deming Custom Remodeling. It's been a long week for Sally because people have been in our house all week. She just follows Richard around all the time and looks pathetic! We also found we have a baby fish in our pond (but no idea how it got there as the fish have been in there for over 6 years and never had babies!) Richard has also been doing other random things around the house to get ready for the other stuff...CertaPro at the beginning of May coming to paint, carpet being installed in the middle of May. He also likes to make sure I've eaten enough and I'm happy with my food! :) Such a nice husband & soon-to-be daddy! :)