On Sunday (April 29th, 2012) Crystal & Ryann had my "friend shower" for us in Sharonville - everything was jungle themed (like our bedding) and it was so much fun! Jen brought the cutest little games for people to play and cards for people to fill out about "Dear Baby..." or "Words of Wisdom" for me - Kalysta's melted my heart and she was the first one done. We did bingo while I opened gifts and all enjoyed BBQ / fruit / cheese ball / cake etc. - everything was great!
I am very lucky to have so many friends to go through life with - I've met a lot of them through working at Nielsen/BASES and continued those friendships even after they or I have moved on to another company/job. My backyard & front yard neighbors were able to come which was really fun and my oldest friend in the world - Lindsay and her mom were able to come which was wonderful to see them. Some of my friends are from high school and it's always great to see those that you once were in band/played tennis etc. with and now all of us seem to be pregnant at the same time! :) Some friends I've met through 31, or Richard, or through Lindner Honors-PLUS at UC (that I now work for!) - no matter where we've met, we've tried really hard to stay in contact and keep our relationships strong. I know it's hard because a lot of my friends moved away, have multiple kids, travel for work etc. but coming together like this is always so much fun!
It's just a really fun time and we can't wait to introduce baby McFarland to everyone! I was almost 30 weeks at the shower - and was feeling pretty good - not terribly hungry and had to keep drinking LOTS of water...but overall, I am feeling ok.
Ryann (and Kristen) made the cake for the shower & everyone loved it - so fitting for us! |
So many cute decorations (thanks Crystal & Jen!) as well as lots of pictures taken with everyone! |
This is Kalysta's note to the baby...she's only 12, and I think could teach a lot of people a thing or two! |
Thanks again to everyone for making my first baby shower so special - it still seemed very surreal to be getting dressed for my baby shower that morning...it's certainly becoming more real as he kicks me, my belly gets bigger and more people ask me questions and now we have stuff for him - but it's still a weird sensation that all of our dreams are coming true. We are very happy and humbled.
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