I work with some of the most amazing people at BASES - it is like a family going to work every day - everyone plays a role and it's fun to see the adventures that are ahead! We are all in it together & working for such a large company is neat because you get to meet SO many new people all the time! These are just a few of my friends at BASES:
I sit in a "dubla-cube" (through the years I've sat with LaVandez, Julie, Carolyn and now Elizabeth) - sitting in the dubla-cube at first glance might not seem like a great set-up...we share an entrance to a cube but each have our own "side" if you will. If someone comes and talks to the other, the other person is almost forced to listen...and you don't always know if someone is coming to talk to you or the other person. I think if you asked most that sit with me in the dubla-cube, it's pretty much the best seat in the house - I've grown to love sitting there - so much so, when they told me about moving to a new group in 2009, my first question to my boss when he asked if I had any questions was "Do I have to move cubes?" and he said "I don't know. Do you have any other questions?" to which I replied "Nope, that's pretty much - I just really don't want to move cubes." It's my place now - it's where I sit - everyone knows that, and it's kind of like Grand Central sometimes being by Susan, 552, the huddle and usually stop #1 of the beer cart! :) Elizabeth is awesome - she and I have so much fun together (usually buying lotto tickets). I really couldn't ask for a nicer person to sit next to & share the day-in and day-out fun of work. I'm really going to miss her when I'm on my leave - but I know we'll have to hang out "outside of work" as we like to say!
Everyone at work has been so supportive of everything and my leave - my last day is Friday (1/21) and I'm going to take a few months off, hoping to return the first part of May. I'm looking forward to taking some time to relax & try IVF again. :)
I have some friends that I met through work and we have stayed connected through the years (even they have moved onto other jobs/careers) because of how awesome they are and how much we have shared through the years (thinking about: Melanie, Jen, April, Nick, Sara, Julie, Stacey, Catherine, Carolyn, Julie, Tiff....and the list really goes on & on!) As I was thinking about all my work friends, I just couldn't help but think of all those that I have met along the way...such good memories.
Mental Sampler 30
22 hours ago
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