Belly is getting bigger - strangers in Orange Leaf, neighbors - everyone is noticing that my belly is sticking out quite a ways now - very fun to look in the mirror and see a belly...truly never thought it would happen!
Had my glucose test on Saturday and did fine until a few hours after the test and I felt miserable :( The baby did NOT like all that sugar at once, that's for sure- he went nuts! Doctor called today (4/9) to let me know my test came back abnormal (needs to be 130 or lower and I'm at 145) so now I have to do the 3 hour test...not happy about that at all. I have to fast after midnight, go into the lab to have my blood drawn - they'll give me something to drink after they draw my blood and then will draw it at 1 hour, 2 hour and 3 hour increments for a total of 4 blood draws in the span of 3 hours. They also said my iron levels are low, so I need to start an iron supplement. Today was not my favorite day.
It doesn't help that I haven't been sleeping very good lately - so some nights are ok and other nights I wake up more tired than when I went to sleep!
Now on with the pictures from the past week...
This was one of the best days off with Richard - we went to Kohl's, golf range, Orange Leaf and enjoyed Sally! Love my Wednesdays off! |
This is what happens when I turn the camera on to take a picture of the house and it's my face - some days this is just my mood...I made sure to send this to my sister to let her know what this looks like (HAHAHA!) |
Roommate & I went to an Indian Dance Competition and it was really fun! Indian buffet, live dancing and fun! |
Grandma & Grandpa, mom & dad came over for lunch and grandma likes to hide behind my belly :) She makes me laugh! |
Sitting out on the deck enjoying the sun & watching my belly dance from the outside - the baby loves to move around and kick, that's for sure! |
This past week the Hardman kids were on spring break so on Alyssa's birthday, I went to lunch with them and spent some time! It's always great to see all the kiddos (and Amy!) at once! |
Mom & dad came to see where I worked at UC and took me to Olive's for lunch! |
Good Friday tradition with Crystal's family - egg coloring with the kids & Richard's' steak sandwiches for dinner (we added in Flubs this year!) :) |
One of Nancy's customers makes hats for babies at Good Sam so she wanted to make sure our son got one of her hats - so she gave one to Nancy to give to me - very cute & stretches in case his head takes after his mama! |
Ethan going belly to belly with me - when asked who's belly is bigger he said mine! :) He's so sweet at this age! |
The many silly faces of Ethan! |
Absolutely LOVE time with the kids - coloring eggs was the highlight of Easter (that and the video of Ethan searching for eggs!) - they're at such fun ages - so glad we get to spend the holidays with them! |
To see Ethan's video - click here:
(The bouncing ball in the background would be my husband!) Sally watched Richard hide the eggs so she actually knew where they were.
Here are 2 other videos taken in the past couple of weeks of Ethan being silly -
Such good times - looking forward to the months & weeks to come!
love your updates. Wish I was better with candid photos! Love seeing the belly grown!
Thanks! I love when you post too - I'm always like "oooo, what's going on in the Bowman house?" :0 Jack's hair surprised me yesterday - I can't wait to see it in real life!
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