...That was what Dr. Thomas said today about the inside of my stomach. He said that because of my ruptured appendix years ago, there is so much scar tissue in there that it's pretty much a complete mess. He said he did his best to cut a lot of it up as much as he can, but that doesn't mean that it won't re-attach to itself and cause me more problems in the future.
He brought pictures in to explain all of it to me (since I was in recovery when he was telling mom & Richard about it all at the hospital) - he told me that the inside off my uterus has more tissue than he would like to see in someone that's taking birth control, so we're going to change my birth control starting on Sunday. It will have more estrogen in it - so hopefully that will cut down on the tissue inside my uterus.
He said my incisions look fine from the surgery and what's bothering me the most is probably the "super glue" like stuff they close the incisions with - so that'll go away hopefully soon {insert smiling from me for when it all feels normal again}. We didn't do an ultrasound because he said "You probably don't feel like that today, do you?" I go back after we get back from vacation in Florida to do an ultrasound, make sure the cyst is still gone and make sure we're ready to go with IVF when we're ready.
It was a frustrating day at the office because he was running behind and it's not fun to wait - but at the end I got to talk to Judy one of my favorite IVF nurses about timing/next steps so she was very sweet. In case anyone wants to know what Dr. Thomas looks like - here he is - very friendly/funny doctor - I really do like him a lot! (He's kind of making a funny face in the picture below but that's pretty much what he looks like!) I always comment on what he's wearing because he has lots of silly ties - but you can only see part of it since he wears his lab coat all the time - I know I'm in very capable hands!
Mental Sampler 30
22 hours ago
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