Today is Friday, March 11th and I'm sitting here trying not to think about how thirsty I am or that my stomach just wants a bowl of cereal! Doctor's orders that I couldn't eat or drink anything past midnight last night (except the water to brush my teeth/take my birth control pill) - needless to say I'm parched since I'm used to drinking SO much water!!
Last night I had Invictus on Netflix so I put that in and started watching it (Richard had no desire to watch it) but it put me to sleep on the couch downstairs and I woke up around 11:45 to go to bed...I'll put that back in the mail and look forward to some romantic comedy to come in a few days for me to watch.
Yesterday I stopped by Borders in Deerfield - they're going out of business so I got a bunch of new magazines for half off and a book on infertility - successful trip in my opinion! I also went to Wally World and bought a Superman shirt to wear today - just felt like I needed something funny to put on this morning/something to look forward to.
My surgery is scheduled for 1:30, we're going to leave here (Richard, mom & me) at 10:45 to get there by 11:30 for my check-in. I'm ready to get it overwith but not looking forward to getting the IV put in, getting ready and waiting...waiting is one of my least favorite things to do, and you do a lot of it with infertility treatments so one day maybe I'll be used to it!
I sent out an email yesterday to folks letting them know details and that Richard would update after my surgery - bear with us because Richard didn't get much sleep last night, they had 2 houses go up in flames around 11:30 last night in Covington, and he didn't get to sleep until around 5. :( It's been a long night and he didn't want to go back to bed this morning for such a short period of time knowing that he would probably wake up with a headache.
Other than that, not much going on - I got most of the laundry done, house is clean & my spot on the couch is set-up with a my pillow, grandma's quilt and reading material for when I get home...hopefully the surgery won't take too long/everything will go ok. Here's hoping....
Mental Sampler 30
22 hours ago
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