Tonight while we were at O'Charley's in Harrison before Charlene's visitation, I had this sharp pain right where my cyst still is and it hurt so bad it brought me to tears. I think I scared Corey, Richard, mom & dad a bit because it came out of nowhere! I stood up with Corey in the lobby for awhile and it got a bit better as time went on. I'm not sure what it was, but maybe it was the cyst rupturing on it's own - that's why it was so sudden & painful! My pain literally went from 0 to 60 in a few seconds and it was something I've never felt before. The pain was in an area that has never hurt before so it scared me a bit. The doctor said the cyst just has clear fluid in it so I'm sure that if it ruptures it will be ok because it'll just get absorbed back into my body but it was quite crazy.
Since I've had this cyst (starting in ~January), it's a dull pain on my right side almost all the time (doctor says it's strange since it's my left ovary but don't even get me started on doctors that say I should hurt in a certain spot and it hurts in another - they don't know) - and I've just become used to it being there. This was totally different. Not sure what it was - but I'm hoping everything is ok in there!
Since I'm blogging about the entire IVF/infertility experience this time around until we have a baby, I want to make sure to note weird changes or things I might want to look back on and say "When did I have that?" which reminds me...I should write this down in my journal before I forget!
Never a dull moment around here...good grief!
Mental Sampler 30
22 hours ago
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