Today has gone better than I expected (always a nice thing!) -
Woke up this morning at 8 (it was nice to sleep in because I've been getting up every day this week to walk the dog her full mile / get back to the gym) but my body told me last night I just needed as much sleep as possible. I got ready & one of my Thirty-One customers stopped by to pick up her order (I love meeting new people through 31!). I took the percoset at 10 (1 hour before procedure) and we headed to Dr. Thomas's office at the Christ Medical Arts Building. We were almost to the hospital & I started to feel a little light headed and kind of dizzy (it said that could be one of the side effects to the meds) and when I got in the parking lot I took a Valium. I was really glad Richard could take off work to go with me - he's such a strong person, and it just really helps calm me to have him by my side. (Thanks to his friend at work Andy for standing by for him so he could come!)
When we got up to the office, they weren't ready for us yet so by about 11:15 we were called back and Kathy told us Richard would have to wait in the waiting room (I was a bit shocked and didn't quite understand but I said "Love you" and went with the nurse). When we got back to the room & I got ready Dr. Thomas came in and we had this conversation:
Dr. Thomas: Do you want your husband to be back here?
Me: Yes I really do, but Kathy told him he couldn't come this time
Dr. Thomas: Oh, he can be back here - that's no problem - can someone go get him?
Needless to say, that made me feel A LOT better - Kathy told me afterwards that she was sorry but typically Dr. Thomas didn't like husbands in the room when they do those types of procedures in the office because so many of them have passed out in the middle of it and it's a pain to pick a grown man off the floor during a procedure! Kathy says "I guess he likes you and he knows you're a paramedic so you probably won't pass out" and Richard goes "What would I pass out over?" and she said we'd be surprised - just the other day they were doing a routine ultrasound and the husband hit the floor! I don't know what I'd do if Richard just passed out! :)
Once they checked that they had everything, we were ready to go and everything went fine - something in the procedure happened which caused me to bleed a bit more than normal (and caused for A LOT of cleanup for all involved - I apologized for the mess but everyone goes "No, it's Dr. Thomas' fault!") because I told them I was leaking so another doctor came in after we were done to check everything and make sure I was ok. I felt the poke of the needle but then it wasn't too bad - they are sending all the fluid from the cyst off for testing - it was a bit darker he said than last time (he wasn't sure why at this point) but I told him it was a lot darker than I had anticipated. Dr. Thomas said I did great and I told him it wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. He did give me an injection to numb part of my insides for my vaginal wall so he said that combined with the percoset/Valium, it was the perfect combination. I told Kathy I didn't feel like getting up right away, so I just laid there for awhile longer and we just chatted. They are so sweet and nice to me - they truly want this to work & know how frustrated I must be with everything. Dr. Thomas came back one last time so we asked him if flying to Colorado was ok in August right after the transfer and he said "Oh yeah, where are you going in Colorado? Have a great time - I just got back from there about 3 weeks ago." That was music to my ears!
As we were on our way out we chatted with Kris the IVF nurse this time because I wanted to check on the prescriptions being called into CVS (my birth control & Richard's antibiotic for later in the cycle) and also my amount of follistim.. Judy was there (the head IVF nurse) and she said to get something on my stomach and relax the rest of the day - we stopped at Wendy's on the way home and I slept from 1:15-4 and now I'm thinking about going to watch a movie. My stomach is still a bit sore & I don't feel 100% so hopefully with a good night's sleep tonight I'll be my normal self again.
Thanks to everyone that has been so supportive & understanding through all of this - it's been rough on my body / I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone - but I hope I'll look back a few months from now & say that it was all worth it.
Here's the picture of me today (it was a glasses/Ellen T-shirt kind of day for sure!) - we got the green light to start Lupron on Sunday so that's exciting news:
I have to write on my calendar everything I need to remember so I don't forget (I try to blame the drugs but I think it's just the million different things that go on during a fresh cycle, I want to make sure not to miss anything!)
I thought getting a pretty box from Target to keep all the IVF meds in was a good idea -I also keep paperwork in the blue plastic container so I don't lose anything because I've been known to do that a time or two!
Mental Sampler 30
1 day ago
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