This weekend has been amazing!
Quick run-down:
Thursday - last day of June/end of fiscal/Mom's birthday we ended up going to Bob Evans with them for dinner and then relaxing with them at their place - we were going to go to the Freedom game but decided it was too hot/we just weren't in the mood
Friday - had a half day with work so worked from home in the morning, then headed down to Versailles to pick up the swing from grandma & grandpa and brought it home - thanks to Richard for putting it up for the most part as I was a wuss he said!
Saturday - went to see Kelli's new place in Kenwood/her garage sale, went to Michelle's wedding, stopped by Nancy/Jr's, went to reception, went to Barb & Jim's to visit and then stopped by Sharon & Ken's to say hi too!
Sunday - Crystal & Caleb came down to swim and hang out
Monday - went to the gym for the first time in MONTHS, went to see the movie Bad Teacher, then went to Mexican with Amy, Tommy, Jack & Caroline
Overall, this weekend has just been a lot of fun because it's been busy yet relaxing and I got to catch up with so many people that I haven't seen in a long time! Here are some pictures to show how much fun it was!
I'm truly so lucky to have such wonderful friends/family in my life to spend my time with - I think I'll sleep good tonight because I am pooped! :)
Hope everyone had a great 4th of July and Happy Independence Day to everyone out there!!
Mental Sampler 30
1 day ago
so do you have a porch swing now? how fun! dinner was great, but especially wonderful catching up and visiting! feels like it has been too long!
Amy - it has been too long!!
It's a swing out back by the shed now...I should've taken a picture of that (I'll try to remember this afternoon if it doesn't rain) - it's really fun!
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