Thursday, July 19, 2012

{Blake's First Week}

The first week of Blake in our lives was amazing - we didn't get much sleep, mom came and stayed the night on July 8th so we could get more sleep and look decent for our photo shoot (thank you for not only helping but also giving us some tips and taking pictures of the first bath with Blake!) and we had a home nurse come check Blake's jaundice levels and take my staples out of my c-section scar...and we had pictures taken by Leah Robbins on July 9 (Richard's 30th birthday - Happy Birthday Richard!) - seen here:

It was a great first week & we enjoyed every minute of it...even though we were quite sleep deprived and take naps all the time. I'll be off for ~12 weeks and Richard is off for ~4...Richard will go back to work at the beginning of August and I'll be back to work by the first week of October. I can't believe how fast time goes by with a seems like every day he is doing something new, making a new face or just bringing more smiles to our face!

A few of my favorite hospital pictures...they took a picture of just Richard the first time he held Blake, then we did a family photo while I was still being operated on (yikes!) - and once we finally got settled into our room...our first full day in the hospital he was enjoying his bassinet! 

 The first picture I took of the two of them! :) It was the first day we were home, and I got Sally to sit right next to Blake in his swing. Blake LOVES his swing (thanks Denise & Lindsay & family for that!) - he even sleeps in it at night for now!

Blake's first week home...I love all of his expressions & I could look at him & take pictures of him all day!

July 12, 2102 - on his one week birthday, we took him to the doctor for his first outing (and stopped by CVS on the way home) - he did really well at the doctor's and was beyond his birth weight so they told me I don't have to wake him at night anymore (yay!) He was up to 9 lbs, 3 oz (78%) and was 21 3/4 inches long (91%) and his head was average :) All great news!

{introducing: Blake Thomas}

Blake Thomas McFarland
July 5, 2012
7:03 pm via c-section
9 lbs / 21 inches

He is absolutely everything we dreamed of & wished for and it makes everything we've been through 100% worth it. More details to come - just wanted to introduce him! I took this picture on our first morning together in the hospital - July 6, 2012. We love him so much already!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

{39 week appointment}

"Now officially full term" was the start of the baby emails I got this week...telling me what the average baby weighs/how long they are...and letting me know that over half of first time mom's go past their due date - so don't get too excited! Be on the lookout for signs of labor (which include a lot of things I'd rather not even address in this blog post!) - I'll be sure to be on the lookout!

Our 39 week appointment was today (Tuesday, July 3rd at 11:50) with Dr. Horn. Not much has changed, and they'll see me again on Monday (July 9th) - the baby's due date. I'm exhausted today so I'm looking forward to taking a nap when I get home.