Wednesday, January 12, 2011

March for Babies!

As many of you know, I've spent years raising money and volunteering for the March for Babies organization and it's a cause that's very near & dear to my heart. I have known so many women who have had premature babies and it's a little way I can show my support by raising money for such a great cause!

The March for Babies is always looking for volunteers for the walk - it's a lot of fun & I've met so many amazing people through volunteering - so just let me know if you want more info about it and I can forward your name onto my friends at March of Dimes!!

Click to donate to my campaign!

Details for the walk:
Grt. Cincinnati/N. Kentucky - April 17, 2011
705 E Pete Rose Way
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Walk Distance: 6 miles
Registration Time: 8:00 AM
Start Time: 9:00 AM
There is a family walk (~2 miles) and a full walk (~6 miles) - so pick whichever makes you happy!
This photo was taken from a few years ago (2008) when Corey, Jimmie, Dad, Richard, me and Crystal did it together (Crystal must've left before getting in our picture!) :)

To give you an idea of how small diapers are for preemies - this is just a few of the different options pampers makes and donates to hospitals to use in the NICU. I hang them in my cube on my banner as a reminder to everyone that babies are born sometime too small & need the help of our dollars to make them all better!

I'm really looking forward to walking this year with Richard - as we try to start our family again this year with IVF attempt will mean more than ever! Thanks for your support!

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